Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today's readings

My family and I went on our 5 week break this weekend, and I found myself without a computer. When I am with out a computer, I am with out a way to get my daily bible reading in. So with that said, I am successfully 24 days behind in my bible in a year goal. A friend and I are trying this, "reading a bible in a year thing", and she made the statement that I love. She said something to the effect of, " If I try to keep on track I am going to get behind and then get discouraged and give up, so I am just going to read and not get discouraged if I am behind." I LOVE IT. I am so far behind at this point and if I try to catch up I would be overwhelmed and not get out what I need. So I am going to just keep swimming and soaking in what God wants me to hear.

With all that said, I was reading today and I saw that in Matthew 5, Jesus is having a small group. Jesus is calling his leaders together and saying, "lets do some deep tissue spiritual messaging here." That is what I feel that I am missing in the lifestyle that my wife and I live. We are in a situation that is isolating. Going to a small group in the evening is challenging b/c you are in a situation that requires all our children to behave and there are 10 of them. The age ranging from 161/2 down to 5. Reading that reminded me that this is something that I do miss and that is something that I need to make a priority in my life.

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