Wednesday, January 16, 2008

NOW !!!!!

So I'm reading through Gen. and I get to Chapter 8 where Noah has been in this ark for what I can gather is about 6 months. Plus or Minus. Keep in mind that this is probably one of those low times in his life. He is a farmer, not a sailor, then you throw every animal on earth in your boat and close the top. This is a valley in my book!

Anyway, Noah sends out a raven to see if the water has dried up. This bird keeps comming back and doing this for 40 days. How low can this valley get? After 40 days Noah sends out a dove and it comes back empty. What If we were Noah and the dove comes back empty? How do we react? I would be very angry and might start to doubt God. Does Noah go down this road? Nope, he waits a week and does it again. Sure enough the Dove comes back with a sign that this journey is about to end.

We keep hearing that we are a microwave society and that we want things done now and with out the wait. I am in that place where my life is at the cross roads and this message has brought it all back into perspective. I need to wait and be patient to what God has planned for me. Not NOW, but wait.


Angie said...

I like your insight on this. I agree with your comment that we want things now and don't wait. We miss out on so much with this mentality. Faster is not always better. There's something to be learned in waiting.

agentpipes said...

Did you figure out exactly how long it was between creation and the flood? You can create a timeline with the geneology layed out up to the flood. Anyway, keep up the reading. I pray that you would be blessed.