Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Settling In

So we've started our new chapter in our lives. It seems to be going great. We went from 10 children down to only 6. I know you are thinking, ONLY 6, ARE YOU NUTS!!! Yes we are, but it's a good nuts. We are back home and close to family and friends.

My new job is in the developmental stages at this point, but it's keeping me busy. The children started their new school and seem to be enjoying it. Noah started Kindergarten and is doing awesome. I thought it would be harder than it was watching him leave. I was home with him for the last 2 1/2 years and so I felt very close to him. We made it!

Christie goes back to school next week and she is crazy nervous. I know she'll do great. I'm soooooooo proud of her!!!! If she gets these classes under her belt she will be eligible to attend a 14 month nursing program through the U of A in June. The best part of it is, it will all be FREE. All she owes is two to three years of servitude when she graduates, but she would need a job after graduated anyway right. Till we meet again . . .


Angie said...

Congratulations on all the wonderful changes and we are praying for your success in all that you put your hands to.

agentpipes said...

i know you said there's not point in a blog but it's tough to get a hold of you right now. hope you are well!