Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Anniversary

I have been married to the most incredible woman for 10 YEARS!!! Today is our anniversary. Our anniversary is not going how we had planned, but that is life. We are moving, taking in 2 more children, starting new jobs, etc... We imagined renewing our vows at a ceremony in the park and have a BBQ after. Small, quaint, FUN!!! Our first wedding was a production, not what we wanted, but it was beautiful. I've been married a decade. WOW!!! Here's to 50 more.


agentpipes said...

happy anniversary to you!
happy anniversary to you!
happy anniversary dear Travis and Kristi!
happy anniversary to you!

(that is sung to the tune of the Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins)

(just kidding about the tune thing)

Angie said...

Congratulations on the anniversary. You guys have really grown so much in the past years. It's really neat to see. I lift my glass and wish you many more years together, happy and growing.