Monday, August 27, 2007

The Big Show

I was brought up from the minors last week. My friend Josh is our senior pastor and he just had a baby son. Gavin was right on time. So, to make sure that he had some time off around the due date he arranged for me and a couple of others to preach in his absence.

Sure enough that time came for me to be called up to the big leagues. I have preached on one other occasion, but there was not as much at stake that time. We were with out a pastor and there was little happening at the church at that time. Well now our community is growing like crazy, and I am among some great speakers, including Josh, the senior pastor. To say I was nervous would be an understatement.

When I was finished preaching, I stood in the back after the service and received nothing but complements. What a great feeling that was. My wife gets to nervous to stay and listen to me, so she leaves and helps out with the children. The following day my wife listens to me on our churches podcast and gives the greatest compliment. She said," This is good, this is really good." I felt so good at that point. As I write this a week after I still have people coming up to me and saying what a good job I did. I love being a servant of God!

You can listen to what I spoke about on our community blog, It was on Transformers.


Josh Reich said...

you did do a great job. i am excited to have you speak again this sunday. you will do awesome. just keep being yourself.

Scott said...

As some old guy once said to me, "I can only repeat what josh has already said. You are doing an increadable job, and a pleasure to be around." sound familiar? well it applies here too. You were awesome. I can hardly wait what you have to say about a tall, bald...ogre. :-P

agentpipes said...

Well, I'll miss your talk about the gross green guy but I'll see you after. Hope all is well. Thanks for being a great friend, Travis.