Friday, December 21, 2007

Golden Compass

I may take some heat for this post, but that is the way it goes, right. There has been a lot of hype about this movie, and the fact that we as Christians should not go see this movie, and tell our non Christan friends not to see it as well. I felt the need to see the move to educate myself and if the opportunity presented its self, and I was able to encounter a person that was not a Christ follower we might have some common ground to work on. I believe that is what we are called to do, build relationships and allow God and the spirit to do the rest.

I went to see this movie for the same reason that I went to see the Da Vinci Code. To get more knowledge. I am not going to go into whether or not I liked it, or whether of not you should allow your children to go see it. You need to make that call. I am responsible for 10 children and felt the need to preview the movie for myself. Am I going to allow my children to go see the movie, most likely not. I have children that that rage from 5 to 16 1/2. The older children that are more grounded in their faith I might, but for the most part, I am going to say no.

Time To Breath

This week was one of the most relaxing times in my life yet. Christie and I were given two extra days off this week. We are in the line of work that comes home with you. We work and live at the same place 24/7. After a while that can take it's toll. So when we get the chance to get away we try our best to do it right. That was until we started the dreaded BUDGET. This thing is 2 letters away from being a bad word. It is good to have one of these things (BUDGET) , but it can can take some getting use to. So we start this BUDGET 2 months ago and on our last break we did not give ourselves enough money to enjoy ourselves, so I began hating this thing. You know, the BUDGET. After talking with my bride, who by the way felt the same way, we decided to move some money around and grow that fund that allows us to have fun and still keep us in the red.

IT WORKED! ! We had a great time this time, and still used the BUDGET. There is a passage in the bible that is misquoted a bit more than I would like to mention. It is quoted often as saying,"money is the root of all evil." In 1 Tim 6:10 it states, " For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."

Money is not evil, it is not alive. Our love for money is A root. I capitalize the a because it is one way that our eyes can be taken off the real prize, and that is time with God through our Christ Jesus. All joking aside, a budget is a way to tell your money where you would like it to go. Money cares not were you put it. It is very obedient when you tell it where to go. It is when you allow it to go where your emotions want it to go instead of using you wisdom and discernment from God that you get into to trouble.