Monday, May 21, 2007

First Blog

This is not the first blog I have done, just the first one I have taken ownership of. I am part of a great community that has started this blog trend and it's catching on like wild fire. our community meets on Sunday mornings, and is led by an awesome band with way too much talent for a little group our size. If you haven't guessed it by now, we're a church. If you really did not get it, then come with me on this great ride.

I don't want our community to be a church. I have found that there is more to church than just coming to a building on Sunday, singing, giving some money, listening to a guy talk while coloring on your program. NO way am I going to be part of that! And I'm not! Our community does meet on Sundays but is also outside Sunday's meeting house. We meet while feeding Tucson's less fortunate. We meet while cleaning our neighbor's yards, that they can't get to for what ever reason. This is just the beginning. But I hope there is no end to this great community. Have a great evening.

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